Triton 6th grade scienceStudents in sixth grade at Triton Elementary School wind down the year learning about electricity. Students pictured were experimenting with an Electromagnetic lab. Pictured: (back) Abby Viers (front) Jessica Soriano .


Triton_business math classJolene Howard (in the green) and Shannan Hepler (in the tan) from Lake City Bank in Warsaw visited Triton High School’s Business Math class to do a practical lesson on developing home budgets. Superintendent Donna Burroughs said, “I think the students were surprised to learn how much money it takes to run a household!”

Triton_cell projectThe junior high students from Triton Jr.-Sr. High School had a 3-D cell model to make for Mrs. Jackson’s science class. The following are the winners:


Mr. Chobanov’s choice- Haley Hooley and Alyxa Viers

Mr. Ross’s Choice- Haley Hooley, Maria Chupp, and Jared Bules

Teacher’s choice- Haley Hooley and Brooklyn Patton

Most Creative- Caitlyn Ihnen

Really Cool Plant cell- Zach Berger

Student Choice- Brianna Wilhite

Best use of duct tape- John Miles


Back row from left to right are: Brianna Wilhite, Alyxa Viers, Maria Chupp, Brooklyn Patton, and Caitlyn Ihnen

Front row from left to right is: Jared Bules, John Miles, Haley Hooley, and Zach Berger.


Triton_TransitionResource students transitioning from the elementary school to the jr.-sr. high school at Triton had a special luncheon party to acquaint themselves with the school they’ll attend next year. Mr. Ross, Triton High School Assistant Principal, kicked things off for the event by speaking with the students, followed by some pizza for lunch and a quick “Get to know the teachers game”.  Chase Howell spoke about his transition to Triton, and so did Chase Whybrew and Lauren Hedington (7th graders-pictured). Other teachers stopped by throughout the lunch and everyone had a great time! Mrs. Sarrah Davis, jr-high teacher, organized the event.