County News_logoCounty Building Commissioner Chuck DeWitt presented the January and February monthly reports to the Commissioners this week.

DeWitt said, “January has a good number of inspections.”  There were a total of 107 inspections including 5 building footings or foundations, 23 rough-ins and 10 final inspections.  He also did 36 electrical inspections and 36 plumbing inspections along with 1 health or substandard home inspection.  The county building department also issued 16 building permits that had an estimated value of $507,817.

DeWitt said, “In February the cold weather caused contractors to do more inside work but so many of the contractors have a backlog of work that they still put in 9 footings or foundation.”  There were a total of 61 inspections conducted last month, 15 electrical and 18 plumbing inspections as well as 1 health or substandard home.  There were 14 building permits issued in February with an estimated construction value of $496,000.