A Christmas CarolThe committee for Plymouth’s Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade of Lights continues to meet and put their plans together for a fantastic event the Friday after Thanksgiving.

This year’s theme is “A Christmas Carol” and currently lighted entries are being sought for the parade that will begin at 6 p.m. on November 28th. Floats, walking units and vehicles decorated with lights needed to lead the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus who will arrive on a Plymouth Fire Truck.

There is no charge to participate in the Parade of Lights but entry applications are needed by November 21st. For more information contact the Marshall County Visitor’s Bureau. 574-936-1882

Several new things are planned this year, with the first being the tree lightening. Since the Christmas tree in River Park Square died Mayor Senter will give the command to light the big tree next to Bowen Printing who graciously pays for the electric during the holiday season. Mayor Mark will be located in the southwest park-lot of River Park Square along the riverbank of the Yellow River for the ceremony.

Another new event this year will be the opportunity for kids to stop in the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce building and make some holiday crafts at no charge.

Also the Plymouth Park Department has hired a professional company to create a fantastic lighting display set to music in River Park Square. The light show will be unveiled after the tree lighting and will continue nightly through the holiday season.

And don’t forget, there will be ice sculptures on the sidewalks too. At this time there are seven businesses committed. A 300 pound block of ice carved with your design is $145 while a 600 pound block is $215. If you are interested in sponsoring one contact the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce before November 7th. 936-2323

This is a great family tradition, if you haven’t attended it yet, this is the year you won’t want to miss. If you’ve seen this for years, come on down and check out the new things.