report_bullyingThe results of a mandatory state requirement for tracking “bullying” in public schools for the 2013-2014 school year released on August 9 shows a total of 9,396 incidents. This is the first year of the reporting. The results were compiled from data that each school self-reported and included such things commonly known as physical abuse, taunting, and exclusion of the victim from groups and activities.
The Indiana Student Safety Law (IC 20-34-61) requires school corporations to report instances of student bullying and arrest data for each school to the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) each year. The report must be filed by July 1.
The IDOE created a form for reporting that is to be filled out only after school officials investigate to determine that bullying occurred under the 2013 definition. Indiana law defines bullying as “overt and unwanted repeated acts, including verbal or written communication by phone or computer, that create a hostile school environment for targeted students that places them in reasonable fear of harm or affects their mental health or school performance“. According to the IDOE, “an arrest is when a child is physically taken into custody by law enforcement while at school, or as a result of an action taken at school.”
The author of the legislation was Representative Greg Porter of Indianapolis.
The majority -44 percent-of incidents listed were verbal. Physical incidents totaled 21 percent. Other incidents fell into the categories of written or electronic threats and social shunning.
David Woodward, Indiana Safe Schools coordinator, said the data out provides a starting point to understand the extent of the problem.
The reporting form lists verbal incidents, physical incidents, social relational incidents, written/electronic incidents, and combination incidents.
Area schools reported incidents were as follows:
Argos Community Schools listed no incidents.
Bremen Elementary/Middle School, 1 verbal, 4 physical, 1 social, 1 combination for a total of 7 incidents.
Bremen High School reported 7 verbal, 2 social, 2 combination for a total of 11.
Culver Community High School, listed 8 verbal, 4 physical, 1 social , 3 written, 3 combination totaling 19.
Culver Community Middle School had 2 verbal, 1 written for a total of 4.
Culver Elementary School had 14 verbal, 6 physical, 2 social, 2 written for a total of 24.
John Glenn School Corporation-North Liberty Elementary had 1 physical, 1 written for a total of 2.
John Glenn School Corporation-Urey Middle School listed 3 verbal, 1 social totaling 4.
John Glenn School Corporation-Walkerton Elementary had 2 verbal, 1 physical, 2 social and 1 combination for a total of 6.
Oregon-Davis Elementary School listed 10 verbal, 11 physical totaling 21.
Oregon-Davis Jr-Sr. High School showed 2 verbal, 4 physical, 2 social, 2 written, and 2 combination for a total of 12.
Plymouth School Corporation-Lincoln Junior High listed 19 verbal, 4 physical, 23 social, 10 written, and 4 combination totaling 60 incidents.
Plymouth High School had 2 verbal, and 1 combination totaling 3.
Triton Elementary School had 1 verbal, 1 physical for a total of 2.
Triton Jr/Sr High School had 10 verbal, 2 physical, 2 written totaling 14.
Union North showed no incidents.
Plymouth Schools Superintendent Daniel Tyree said, “The actual number of confirmed incidents at Lincoln Junior High was fewer than ten.“ He explained that school administrators did take reports that numbered 60, but after investigation, confirmed that bullying per definition of the IDOE was not met in the majority of the reported incidents.”
Tyree said, “We want every child and parents who feels that bullying has occurred to contact us. We want every complaint reported and recorded so that there is always a paper trail if a problem arises in the future.”
In March of 2013, Plymouth School sought out professional help in bullying prevention from Psychologist Milene Ferazza Jeffirs. PCSC administrators said, “Jeffirs is an internationally recognized expert of bullying, conflict resolution, and social skills development. Her specialty is group process, helping groups of perplex work together and effectively with each other.” Jeffirs held public information program for the schools.
According Tyree, Jeffirs is on a retainer with the schools to help in any situations that arise. Tyree said, “She has trained bus drivers, teachers, and others and has worked with kids who are having difficulties.”
Carol Anders Correspondent.