01/14/14 Monday night members of the Plymouth Park Department were updated on the tennis court project by Sarah Smith. 

In January or February of 2011 the Tennis Committee was given permission to explore the possibility of creating an updated facility.  In December 2012 the park board selected the grassy area directly to the north of the current tennis facility after considering several other options.  The park board will have the current courts and parking area turned back into a grassy lawn area. 

  The tennis committee presented three design options last night.  Each one includes ten 78 foot tennis courts and four 36 foot youth courts.  The layout is different in each plan with two of them including a pavilion between the courts and the final one with the pavilion on the east end. 

Smith said members of the “Dream Team” created a list of necessities including a new pavilion with restrooms, storage, and a shelter, a backboard and a tennis facility that is spectator friendly.    

  Smith said they have worked with the park board, Blueberry Festival Committee and Hosier Old Wheels, the school system and Freedom Park.  They have worked with engineers and contractors who have worked on similar projects.   She said, “Our intentions are to have the facility open to everybody at anytime, just like the current courts.” 

In discussions with the Blueberry Festival, Smith said “They requested to have the Fryman Shelter relocated.”   

  Nearly a dozen people mainly in support of the project were on hand for the meeting.  When public comments were asked for, Michael Delp thanked Mrs. Smith for all her hard work.  He spoke passionately about the “big difference tennis made in my life.” 

West Township citizen Terry Borggren asked about a time frame and Smith explained that the project will be a combination of public, private and grant money making funding the determining factor on when the project would be started, although she said this fall would be a goal.  The project would transition over two seasons.  Smith explained that after the Blueberry Festival the ground work would begin and hopefully get the concrete poured.  Plans would anticipate completion is April.  Demolition of the fencing on the old courts would take place before Blueberry but the tennis courts and parking area would not be removed until after the next Blueberry Festival assuring them a good solid area for the event.   

Larry Faulstich representing the Blueberry Board said, “It’s all working for us right now.” 

The Plymouth Park Board motioned to send a favorable recommendation to the City Council for their consideration at their January 27th meeting when Smith does a presentation for them.  The Park Board did not select the concept design at this time.