12/10/13 Last week members of the Plymouth Park Department approved the 2014 non-reverting operating fund.  They estimate income next year of $71,150 from rentals, donations, leagues, and the Blueberry Festival Contract.  The expenditures include $25,390 for personal services, $11,500 for supplies, $37,000 for other services and charges and $10,000 in Capital outlays.   Superintendent Mike Hite said, “We moved some of the income and expenses around but had the same bottom line dollars at this year.”  Included in the budget is a $10,000 transfer to the non-reverting capitol fund at the end of the year. 

Park Board members also approved the 2014 Fee Schedule with a few changes.  Hite said, “The fee schedule for next year is basically the same although we would like to reduce the rental fee at the Young Amphitheater from $300 to $200 for residents and $300 for non-residents and reduce the deposit from $250 to $200 making it match up with rental fees at the Webster Recreational Center and Conservation Clubhouse.

Another reduction approved was for Camp Centennial.  Approved was a $10 deduction for residential and non-residential.  City residents will pay $50 while non-residents will pay $60.  They also approved a reduced rate for a second sibling.  The reductions come as a way to increase participation in the summer camp program.