04/12/13 A bill authored by State Senator Randy Head (the Republican from Logansport),  to protect children and staff members in schools passed the House of Representatives Wednesday by a vote of 93-0. Senate Bill 345 now returns to the Senate for final legislative review.

SB 345 establishes a Commission on Seclusion and Restraint in Schools to construct a model plan for Indiana schools on the proper methods, standards and training for student seclusion and restraint in the rare instances when such actions are necessary to protect students from harming themselves or others. Each school corporation would also have to develop its own plan and have it approved by the commission.

“These steps are essential to creating a safe environment for our children,” Head said. “It’s every educator’s hope they would never have to restrain or isolate an aggressive student, but if a situation calls for such action, we must ensure our teachers have proper training and rules in place to protect both the student and themselves.”

Rep. Ed Clere (R-New Albany) is the House sponsor.