downtown/downtown_planters/” rel=”attachment wp-att-24765″>11/17/11 Early Wednesday morning about 5 a.m. downtown Plymouth was a busy place as new 23 planters were delivered and placed in position. The planters were funded by the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission, using funds from TIF #2.

When the brick sidewalk replacement project was completed last year there were some funds remaining. That two year project ended up removing all of the brick planters on the west side of Michigan Street and a few on the east side. Members of the Redevelopment Commission were interested in providing decorative planters in the downtown area and put the project out to bid earlier this year.

ASK for Flowers in downtown Plymouth was the successful low bidder for the project. Total cost for the project is $16,994 with the planters costing $12,164. The remaining cost will be filling the planters in early spring with medium and then flowers.

Mike Woolfington from America in Bloom and the Convention & Visitor’s Bureau will be placing Christmas Trees in the Planters in the next couple of days, in hopes that downtown business owners, youth groups such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boys and Girls Clubs and church groups will volunteer to decorate the 23 trees.