06/01/11 Miller’s Senior Living Community Activity Director, Cindy Flagg recently took a class through People’s University.  The Bag-A-Lope class taught by Marge Keltner of Plymouth involved making a gift bag out of an ordinary envelope.  Flagg enjoyed the class so much she persuaded Keltner to teach the class at Miller’s.  Those who missed the class at People’s University may sign-up for the Miller’s class which will be taught on Friday, June 3 at 2:00 p.m. in the Recreation Center.  The cost of the class is $5.00 payable to Keltner on the day of the class.  All items needed for the class will be provided.  Miller’s is located at 625 Oakhill Ave. For more information or to register for the class call 1-574-936-9801 and ask for Cindy Flagg.

Photo:  Activity Director Cindy Flagg at the People’s University Bag-A-Lope Class taught by Marge Keltner.