County Council Meeting Monday Morning

March 13, 2011

03/14/11 Members of the Marshall County Council will meet Monday morning beginning at 9 a.m. in the second floor meeting room of the County Building.

County Commissioner Kevin Overmyer is scheduled to discuss changing the County Building Inspector’s position from full time to part time.  Former inspector Dennis Elliott told the Commissioners and Council during the 2011 budget hearings that the sluggish economy has caused a slack in building in the County.  It was his recommendation to change the position to part time.

Josh Wakeland, the new Veterans Service Officer will update the Council members on his duties and plan of attack.

Michael Marshall, the County’s I.T. Director appeared before the Commissioners last week seeking their approval and support to purchase a back-up storage server.  The unit will double the storage capacity with 10 tara-bites of storage.  The cost for the server is $20,800 and the commissioners suggested using the Rainy Day Fund to purchase the equipment.

Two department heads will be asking permission to fill vacancies in their departments.  Sheriff Tom Chamberlin will be hiring three new deputies while Auditor Penny Lukenbill will ask to replace the A/P Deputy.

The County Council meeting is open to the public for comments and questions on agenda items only.