City Council Approves Tax Abatement for Zentis

November 26, 2012

  11/27/12 After a public hearing and a nearly 40 minute discussion members of the Plymouth Common Council unanimously approved a resolution allowing for tax abatement for Zentis during their meeting Monday evening.

Two weeks ago representatives were at the city meeting explaining the situation.  In 2006 Zentiz applied for a tax abatement with a request to have 5 years to install the millions of dollars of equipment.  They were notified the last couple of years by the County Assessor that their abatement granted by the city council was limited to two years.

The council had to determine first if the prior council…in 2006 made a mistake in only permitting the 2 year.  They also had to decide it approved, would they approve the original amount of personal property at $34,000,000 or the actually amount of $38,858,949.

Council members discussed amongst themselves and easily decided that they couldn’t determine that the 2006 council had made a mistake.  They then talked rather they should consider the original tax abatement request of $34,000,000 or the actual expenditure of $38,858,949.

Councilman Mike Delp said he understood not being able to present an accurate number when a new company moves to a new county and maybe doesn’t totally understand how things operate.  He also commented that Zentis has hired 100 more employees than they expected.

At the conclusion of the discussion, the City Council approved option #3 which indicates no charge of mistaken action by the 2006 council and they also decided to give them the tax abatement for the true full amount.