Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival to Perform at River Park Square

July 22, 2015

ShakespearThe Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival is pleased to announce that their 2015 Young Company touring production of William Shakespeare’s Love Labor’s Lost will be performing at River Park Square in Plymouth. Adapted and directed by West Hyler, this 90-minute show tells the comedic tale of four fraternity brothers at a 1890s Midwest university determined to focus solely on their studies for three years… until four beautiful ladies arrive from a neighboring university. Things get complicated when the men’s secret professions of love for the ladies are met with trickery and tests of fidelity and their efforts to contain their romantic longings prove ill-matched against the ladies’ wit and beauty.


shakespear_1Join in the merriment of the Young Company’s signature spirit of fun, music, and outdoor revelry at7:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 26 at the quaint River Park Square! This hilarious and heartwarming production is the perfect way to spend a sun-kissed summer evening with family and friends of all ages. The performance is FREE, so bring chairs, pack a picnic, and experience this fresh twist on Shakespearean comedy.