November 4, 2010

11/05/10 With snow flurries back in the Indiana forecast for the first time this year, public safety officials are reminding Hoosier motorists of a few tips to help get ready for the coming winter. 

The Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS), Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and Indiana State Police (ISP) affirm that all Hoosier motorists need to prepare vehicles in preparation for difficult winter travel conditions. 

Drivers are encouraged to follow these tips to winterize vehicles:

Even with the best maintenance and cautious driving, snow, ice and freezing temperatures can sometimes still get the best of your vehicle. Hazardous winter driving conditions induce crashes, which are the leading cause of death during winter storms. Being prepared to handle potential slide-offs, crashes, and car trouble in winter is a simple but crucial step to take in preparing for the next few months.

Prepare a winter emergency kit for your vehicle. Supplies should include:

Leadership for a Safe and Secure Indiana