County Council Takes Action of Requests

February 10, 2015

County News_logoMonday morning the Marshall County Council approved an out-of-state travel request of Prosecutor Nelson Chipman for Deputy Prosecutor Sally Skodinski to attend a week long training on drug prosecutions put on by the National District Attorneys Association.  The training will be in Charlotte North Carolina and IPAC gave a $1,000 scholarship to assist with expenses.  Chipman said total cost will be about $2,000 and he has money in his budget to cover the remaining cost.

In other business the Council approved the request of County Clerk and the County Highway to waive the 90 percent pay for 90 days on new employees who have transferred from other departments.  They will still have a 90 day probationary period but receive full pay since they have worked for the County for many years.

The County Personnel Committee made a recommendation to the council pertaining to the job description for the deputy coroner.  The position has been funded but never had a job description.  They unanimously accepted the job description presented.

The County Council also approved an additional appropriation of $700 for Soil and Water.  The office administrator is retiring and the department would like to hire a replacement to train before the retirement is effective.