Argos Town Board Hires Umpaugh to Create Management Reports

November 7, 2010

11/08/10 Last Wednesday night, the Argos Town Council decided to hire Umbaugh & Associates to prepare the Utility Financial Management Reports.  The reports are a tool for the Council and Superintendent to use for operating budget and capital decisions.  The information can determine if the current utility rates are correct or if there is a need for an adjustment.  If the Council decides to raise revenue by charging a property tax on the utilities the reports could determine the amount so that there would not have to have a rate increase.  The cost will be $9,000 per year.  Council Member, Patty Jones, said, “This is a tool to make financial decisions.  We should follow their advice and not throw it out the window because we don”t want to raise the utilities rates.”

DC Tech Solutions presented an agreement with the Council.  DC Tech is an internet provider and they requested to rent space on the Argos water tower for their equipment.  They offered to provide free interenet service for the town.  Argos currently has the same agreement with their provider Fourway.  The DC Tech then offered to rent the space for $200.