Marshall County REMC to hold its 74th Annual Membership Meeting at Plymouth High School Auditorium

April 1, 2012

   04/02/12 Marshall County Rural Electric Membership Corporation will hold its 74th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 3rd in the Plymouth High School Auditorium.  Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for registration and at 7:00 p.m. the meeting will begin.  All REMC members are urged to attend.  The Cooperative’s Annual Membership Meeting is the most important member event of the year that includes fun for the whole family.  Members are the reason for the Cooperative’s existence and the Annual Meeting has been a major event every year since 1939.

The REMC is governed by a Board of Directors that are elected by the members at the annual meeting.  The Directors are challenged with the responsibility of representing the membership in major decisions that face the cooperative on a yearly basis. The annual meeting also is an opportunity for members to review the business results and operations of the cooperative for the preceding year.

Members will receive ballots for the election of two members to the Board of Directors.  This year’s candidates for director are Bob Broeker, David Hostetler, Steve Ringer and Lou Ann Thomas.

     Musical entertainment is always a highlight at the annual meeting. This year’s entertainment is “Sentimental Journey”. The Sentimental Journey Band is made up of a group of local talent ages 19 to 89 who enjoy and are dedicated to preserving the Big Band Era style of music. The  group currently has around 20 members. The band was formed in 1992 when a small group got together along with the help of the band director at Triton High School and started playing the music in the old stage band files from years ago at Bourbon High School. Much of the music they play was made famous by composers and band leaders like Glen Miller, Benny Goodman, Cole Porter, Duke Ellington and others of the Big Band Era.

A $5.00 cash attendance award is given to each member that attends (one per member).  Also, members attending are registered for numerous door prize drawings including (10) $50 REMC electric bill credits and a chance to win the Grand Prize Drawing, a $500 REMC electric bill credit.  While special musical entertainment is provided for the adults, there is FREE babysitting provided by the 4-H Junior Leaders and an open gymnasium for the children.