Thursday, Senator Mike Braun, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and a bipartisan team of Senators introduced the new version of the Promising Pathway Act: a bill to give hope to thousands of Americans struggling with rare and life-threatening diseases.

When you’ve been diagnosed with a rare and progressive disease, access to promising treatments is the difference between life and death. 

It takes about 6 years on average for a drug to get through the FDA’s fastest drug approval pathway – and even longer before patients can actually take them. Those with diseases like ALS simply don’t have time to wait.

That’s where Promising Pathway comes in. We’ll create a conditional approval pathway for drugs intended to treat rare, progressive and congenital diseases. Think of it like a “passing lane” for drugs that have shown safety and evidence of effectiveness for patients with life-threatening diseases who don’t have time to wait.

Promising Pathway has seen a groundswell of support from both sides of the aisle and the patient community in the past year. Over that time, Senator Braun’s team has put together changes to the bill to help it become law and better serve patients, resulting in today’s new version.

Promising Pathway 2.0 was introduced by Senator Mike Braun, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator Kevin Cramer, Senator Joe Manchin, Senator Eric Schmitt, Senator Alex Padilla, Senator J.D. Vance, Senator Cory Booker, Senator Josh Hawley, Senator Peter Welch, and Senator Lisa Murkowski.