Thursday morning Mayor Robert Listenberger read a proclamation during the open house for the retirement of former Police Chief Dave Bacon. 

The proclamation said, “David Bacon has dedicated his life to this community, and has demonstrated in many practical ways his deep and genuine love for this city and public safety.   In May of 1991, Dave was hired as a Corporal for the Plymouth Police Department; and he worked his way through the ranks and was promoted to Chief of Police in February 2013.   In those 33 years, Dave has made a big difference in the lives of many people throughout our community. Dave and his family have made Plymouth their home, and Dave’s service and sacrifice to our city has not gone unnoticed or unrecognized.”

Mayor Listenberger wished him well in the next chapter of his life and said, “His leadership will be missed.”

The mayor, on behalf of the entire City Council and all of the citizens of Plymouth, presented the Key to the City to David Bacon for the many, many years, of a job well done and wished Dave the best in all of his future endeavors.