Lori Camp is a lifelong resident of South Bend. She is a 1985 graduate of James Whitcomb Riley High School. Lori went on to earn a degree in Criminal Justice from IU South Bend.  She is currently the Operations and Training Manager as well as the Vendor Compliance Coordinator for Donnell Systems, a small software firm in South Bend

In the past, Lori has served on the South Bend Community Schools Magnet School Task Force which helped the district determine how the magnet programs could be improved. For the past six years, Lori has also volunteered her time as a dive and gymnastics teams coach for South Bend Adams and Mishawaka High Schools. Camp is eager to continue her service to her community as the next U.S. Representative for the Second District.

Lori Camp is running for Congress to instill their good Hoosier values of honesty and integrity to the floor of the House of Representatives. Coaching high school athletes has prepared her for the wild antics we all have seen in Washington, D.C. Like any good coach, Camo will bring out the best in each of us so we can win together, said Michelle Livinghouse.

Camp firmly believes that healthcare, especially reproductive healthcare, is a freedom that must be restored and protected at the national level. In addition, Lori will work in a bipartisan way to bring security and compassionate immigration reform to our southern border. She knows your freedom and security are your fundamental rights, and she will not play politics with your body and/or your safety.

As a small business professional, Lori will continue working for Main Street, not Wall Street. Lori Camp is your next-door neighbor. Every single vote she casts will be for you. Her heart and soul are in the union-backed middle-class neighborhoods of North Central Indiana. She will represent you, not the billionaires.

To contact Lori, please write to info@campforcongress.com.