County Highway Superintendent Jason Peters presented the County Commissioners with ten requests for work in the right-of-way from CCI for directional road boars primarily in Polk Township.  The work requests are for the Comcast installation of fiber internet.

Peters updated the public and commissioners on the status of several bridges. The Union Road bridge is set to be closed for construction beginning March 4.  This is a 120-day project with completion scheduled for July 31st. The bridge project on Ule Trail will be let for bidding in November.  Appraisals are currently being done and the environmental permit application is almost ready to be submitted.

Employees from the County Highway Department had cleared all the trees at the Mill Pond Dam.  The county is coordinating with DLZ to review the site for any additional work the highway department can do before the repairs to the dam structure.    

The Marshall County Commissioners approved a new 5-year fuel agreement with Ceres Solutions.  This agreement includes updating the software used and getting a new computer for the system at the highway garage.

With the better weather, the highway department has been working on county roads doing patching, brush chopping, ditching, and working on the county’s gravel roads.  They are also getting equipment ready for the 2024 Road Program.  Superintendent Peters told the commissioners he would be seeking a transfer of funds from salt to highway equipment due to the mild winter weather.