The City of Plymouth will conduct its regular meetings on Monday evening at 6 and 6:30 in the second floor Council Chamber of City Hall.  The meetings are open to the public and those attending should enter through the Garro Street door and move to the second floor.  The meetings are also streamed live thru Teams. 

The agenda for the Board of Public Works and Safety meeting at 6 p.m. includes reports by various city department heads including City Attorney Jeff Houin who will present a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the city and county for the installation of a water line and the installation of a hydrant at the Fire Training Center on the jail property.  The county commissioners approved the MOU at their meeting last week.  The attorney will also present executive order number one, authorizing the installation of a water monitoring gage box on the historic walking bridge on LaPorte Street. 

The Plymouth Common Council meets at 6:30 and their agenda includes a briefing by the mayor or council members on the U.S. 30 West ProPEL study.  The city attorney will present the request for a vacation and abandonment of easements.  Also on the schedule is a discussion of the Sherk Hanger and a resolution to approve the application of Rodney Jacobs for a Commercial Revitalization Rebate Program Grant.

The City Council’s agenda also includes an update on One Marshall County and the city’s comprehensive plan.