Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel came forward during the public comment period of Monday’s Marshall County Commission meeting with a request.

The sheriff said the Bremen Police Department contacted him and has an interest in acquiring all the old radio equipment replaced last year from the Sheriff’s Department.  The equipment is currently in storage at the Civil Defense Building and the sheriff said it cannot be upgraded or used anymore because Motorola doesn’t support them, and they are obsolete.  He said they have had trouble finding repair parts.   The sheriff said the operating system is totally different than what they are now using so they can’t even use the old radio system as a backup. 

Sheriff Hassel said the county’s equipment is newer than what the Bremen Police Department currently has.

Cunty Commissioner Kevin Overmyer asked if the equipment was still on the county’s asset list, and it was unsure.  If so, there would need to be an MOU and complete a transfer of assets to allow for the transfer.

County Auditor Angie Birchmeier will check to see if the equipment is still on the county’s asset list. 

Commissioner Mike Burroughs made the motion to allow the Bremen Police Department to acquire the old radio system subject to removal from the asset list.  Commissioner Overmyer seconded the motion and the commissioners approved it with a 3-0 vote.