“Labyrinth” is this week’s Sunday Movie Matinee at The REES in downtown Plymouth. The 1986 PG-rated film is directed by Jim Henson and stars David Bowie as Jareth the Goblin King. 

After Sarah (Jennifer Connelly) is forced by her father and stepmother to babysit her baby stepbrother, Toby, the infant won’t stop crying. When she wishes he would be taken away, Toby stops crying. When Sarah goes to check on him, she realizes Toby has disappeared. 

She finds Jareth has taken him to his castle in the Goblin City, which is in the middle of a labyrinth. Sarah repents and asks Jareth to give Toby back, but Jareth tells Sarah that she must rescue Toby before midnight. Soon she is teaming up with allies to attempt to rescue her stepbrother in time.

Tickets are $5 for adults and children 12 and under are free with an accompanying adult. Tickets may be purchased online (reestheatre.com); at Fernbaugh’s Diamonds & Fine Jewelry, 206 N. Michigan St.; and at the door 45 minutes before the shows.

Credit: IMBD photo – David Bowie as Jareth.