Plymouth Community School Corporation (PCSC) is pleased to announce a significant enhancement to school safety measures, thanks to a generous donation from Hershey Salty Snacks. This contribution consists of LifeVac devices for every Plymouth Community School Corporation school.  The LifeVac device specializes in choking.  It is a suction device designed to address emergency situations in school cafeterias. Among its features is a plunger specifically crafted to safely dislodge food obstructions, coupled with CPR face masks. It’s as easy as “place, push, pull” to save a life.

These tools are now readily available in all PCSC school cafeterias, following comprehensive training sessions for cafeteria staff and other pertinent personnel. Teachers and aides have been granted access to training sessions to familiarize themselves with the equipment, promoting a prompt and coordinated response in the case of an emergency.

Amy Kraszyk, PCSC Director of Food Services, expressed her hope that these items never need to be utilized, stating, “Ideally, these tools will sit and gather dust. However, they serve as another line of defense in case an incident were to occur. With these additions, we are more prepared than ever before to ensure the safety and well-being of our students.”

Ward Byers, PCSC Director of Safety and Security, emphasized the significance of these tools, stating, “It’s another layer of safety for the health and welfare of our students and staff.”

In compliance with licensing requirements, teachers are trained in CPR and the Heimlich maneuver, further fortifying the safety protocols within the school environment. LifeVac serves as an additional safeguard in the event of an emergency.

Lynette Espich, Hershey Salty Snacks representative, shared that “Hershey Salty Snacks has a long legacy of caring for our communities and the next generation. This is one small way we could help our community, and we’re grateful to be able to do so.”

PCSC extends sincere appreciation to Hershey Salty Snacks for their invaluable contribution and welcomes the implementation of another significant safety measure.

To learn more about these devices, please visit

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