Christopher Winchell, Superintendent of the John Glenn School Corporation informed parents on Tuesday of a situation involving an employee who has been charged with battery against a student. 

The letter addressed to Dear John Glenn Family, states, “We have been notified by law enforcement that John Glenn employee has been charged with battery against one of our students.  We want you to know that when those allegations were initially reported the district acted immediately to not only inform the appropriate authorities but also to remove the employee from campus and any student contact.  A thorough investigation has been conducted by both law enforcement and school district officials.” 

New news broke late Tuesday afternoon that John Glenn physical education teacher and football coach John Barron was the employee involved in the court case.  The battery case was filed on Tuesday in St. Joseph Superior Court 6 as a criminal misdemeanor. 

Barron was removed from the campus following the investigation of allegations that he hit a female student on the bottom.  The student was his Teaching Assistant and she told police she asked him to stop touching her on the rear but it continues. 

The Glenn Superintendent told parents in the letter, “The safety, security, and well-being of our students and staff is our most important responsibility.  Any allegations that potentially impacts that is immediately investigated and actions following the Indiana Code and the John Glenn School Board Policy are vigorously executed.” 

The letter tells parents that because they are legally required to protect the privacy of students and employees, they cannot comment on the situation.