The City of Plymouth will conduct its regular meetings tonight beginning at 6 p.m. with the Board of Public Works and Safety followed by the Common Council at 6:30. The meetings are held in the second-floor meeting room of City Hall.  Those attending should enter through the Garro Street door and move to the second floor. 

The Board of Public Works and Safety will hear from various department heads along with the city attorney.  Clerk-Treasurer Lynn Gorski will present a resolution to write off delinquent and uncollectable water, wastewater, garbage, and stormwater bills.  She will present a second resolution to write off delinquent EMS bills. 

The Board will consider the tabled request of Mike Delp to install a streetlight on South Michigan Street near Dollar General.  A few weeks ago, he presented his request, and board members wanted information on the cost to the city.  Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt will update the board on costs and make a recommendation.  There is also a request to pay the Mayor’s Summer of Music performers early. 

The Common Council will consider a resolution on the internal controls policy and one to transfer appropriations in the General Fund Engineering Department. 

City Attorney Jeff Houin will give updates on the Comprehensive Plan and Stellar Communities.

The city meetings are open to the public and available to view as they happen through Teams.