This week, during their meeting the Marshall County Commissioner took official action on the 2024 agreement with Purdue Extension.

As the new year rolled around and Purdue presented its new contract which included an increase of $5,000 citizens began to question if the county was receiving the services they contracted for. It was noted that the Extension Office has had five 4-H educators during the last nine years.  Citizens also questioned if there was proper Purdue staffing at the county fair. Comments had been made by Winrotte that our county has been labeled as difficult and that is the reason why educators are not staying employed long in Marshall County.

The commissioners tabled acting on the agreement in January to investigate the issues.

On Monday, Josh Winrotte, the Area 9 Director for Purdue Extension and Area 10 Interim Director presented the commissioners with a $10,000 check to reimburse for a lack of services.  He said the check was a show in good faith from Purdue Extension.

Winrotte informed the commissioners that the search for a new full-time educator has been underway for some time, and he has two candidates and hopes to extend an offer this week.

The new contract is in the amount of $128,000 which says Purdue will provide Ag and Natural Resources services, Health and Human Services, Community Wellness Director, and 4-H and Youth Development.

Commissioner Kevin Overmyer said it looks like things are headed in the right direction and made the motion to approve the contract.  Commissioner Burroughs seconded the motion, and the commissioners unanimously approved the agreement.  They also took formal action to accept the $10,000 refund.