Phillip Goodrich from Comcast attended the Marshall County Commissioner’s meeting on Monday to explain a major project and investment in the northwest portion of the county. 

Comcast has been working with Highway Superintendent Jason Peters on numerous road-cut permits that will need to be approved for the next year for the project that is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024.

Goodrich said Comcast will be putting fiber into Polk, with some work in North Township, and a small section of Center Townships.  They are investing about $5.2 million.  The project calls for the installation of over 200 miles of fiber-optic cable, underground and aerial.   This fiber project will provide service to a minimum of 1352 homes and businesses and provides several options for bandwidth service including up to a gigabit. 

Monday morning the county commissioners approved 26 road cut permits in Polk Township, 8 in North Township, and 3 in Center Township for the fiber project.  It was noted that this is just the beginning of the permits that will be requested for this entire project.