Monday, Marshall County Councilman Jesse Bohannon announced he has received a formal endorsement from 2nd District Indiana Congressman Rudy Yakym (R) in his bid for County Commissioner in the upcoming Republican primary.

Bohannon, a resident of Culver, is in his 4th year on the County Council and currently sits as the council president. In his formal statement, Congressman Yakym cites Bohannon’s passion, focus, and service as the heart of his endorsement. “Jesse is a passionate leader that is focused on moving Marshall County forward. I fully support his desire to serve Marshall County as the next Commissioner for District 3.” – Congressman Rudy Yakym.

Jesse Bohannon responded with gratitude and appreciation for the Congressman. “I’m honored to have the support of Congressman Rudy Yakym. Rudy is a fellow conservative with a servant’s heart who successfully represents the people of northern Indiana in Congress. He’s a model for all of us to follow and I couldn’t be more thankful to have his support.”

Congressman Yakym’s formal endorsement follows up his other recent support of Councilman Bohannon with RUDY PAC, his own political action committee described for the purpose of donating to “Republicans United to Defend You.”

The Republican primary will be held on Tuesday, May 7th.