One of the biggest barriers for people finding or keeping a great job is the cost of child care – resulting in more and more parents and caregivers being left out of the workforce. The Marshall County TriShare Child Care Pilot Program aims to change that.

United Way of Marshall County received a $750,000 grant from the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration through their Employer Sponsored Child Care Fund (ESCC) to launch a TriShare Child Care pilot program. TriShare splits the cost of child care three ways: One-third of the cost is paid by the parent, one-third by the grant, and one-third by the business.

United Way will host lunch and an information session for employers on Tuesday, February 6, 12-1 p.m. at the Marshall County Philanthropy Center, 2680 Miller Drive, Suite 120, Plymouth.

Marshall County employers, CEOs and human resource administrators, are encouraged to attend to learn more and help guide specific program parameters and eligibility requirements.

To register by Friday, February 2, go to For more information, call United Way at 574.936.3366 or email