The Marshall County Council on Aging offers a variety of seminars, training, and classes on a multitude of topics.

For the next four months, they are partnering with the Master Gardener Club to host a series of “Let’s Think Spring” lunch and learn classes. 

In preparation for a successful Community Unity Garden this upcoming growing season they will offer classes on gardening. The Community Unity Garden is located next to the Council on Aging at 1305 West Harrison Street in Plymouth. 

The Thursday, February 15th class will be about seed selection and collecting.  On March 14th the class will be on seed plantings and startings. Bedding preparation and planting will be discussed during the April 18th class and the final class on May 16th is patio tomato planting. 

These classes are offered by the Master Gardener Club at no cost and begin at 11:30 a.m. with a free lunch provided.  Classes are open to all and will include giveaways and door prizes for participants.

Because lunch is provided and seats are limited, participants need to RSVP through the Marshall County Council on Aging at 574-936-9904 a week before each class.