1-26-24     Friday News     11 P.M.   E-1

As the 2024 election season begins, and with the nation facing a continued shortage of election workers, the Marshall County Election Board is recognizing Help America Vote Day on January 30. Help America Vote Day aims to address the nationwide shortage of poll workers, inspire greater civic engagement and volunteerism, and help ensure safe, secure, accessible, and transparent elections in Marshall County in 2024 and beyond.

“Election workers are an integral part of the election process, and this is one of the most meaningful ways that Americans can do their part to serve their communities,” said Jenny Bennitt, Marshall County Clerk. “We are excited to recognize Help America Vote Day to help kick off the new year by bringing awareness to our efforts to recruit election workers to ensure that all voters in Marshall County can cast their ballot this Election Day.”

While the specific duties and compensation for poll workers vary depending on location, most jurisdictions task election workers with setting up and preparing the polling location, welcoming voters, verifying voter registrations, and issuing ballots. Poll workers also help ensure voters understand the voting process by demonstrating how to use voting equipment and explaining voting procedures. Election staff and poll workers are overseen by local election authorities, which also provide training in advance of Election Day. 

An aging population of election workers and concerns around health and safety have resulted in recurring shortages of poll workers.  There are millions of Americans, including many voters with disabilities, who intend to cast a ballot during early voting or on Election Day. Having an adequate number of poll workers to staff our vote centers on and before Election Day will ensure voters receive the assistance they need at the polls, reduce the potential for long lines or congestion, and help provide a positive and smooth voting experience for all voters.

For more information on Help America Vote Day and how to become an election worker please visit www.co.marshall.in.us  or HelpAmericaVote.gov.