The Marshall County Republican Party conducted a caucus Tuesday evening to fill a vacancy on the Tippecanoe Township Advisory Board.

The caucus was called to fill the vacancy of James Shoemaker who resigned from the board at the end of December.

There was only person who presented a Declaration of Candidacy for the position, Jeff Snyder.

Snyder said he has been a resident of Tippecanoe Township for 19 years, is married and they have three children. Snyder has been with the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department for 25 years and is currently the Captain for the merit officers. 

When asked why he wanted to run for the township advisory board he said, “This my introduction to politics.  I just want to help out and get involved in the community by providing this service to the citizens of Tippecanoe.” 

Following the caucus in the Marshall County Republican Headquarters in downtown Plymouth Snyder was administered the oath of office and has officially become a member of the Tippecanoe Township Advisory Board. 

Township Trustee Matt Pitney said they will conduct their first meeting of 2024 on Wednesday.  Other Tippecanoe Township Advisory Board members are Dale Poisel and Frank Carver.