Last week the County Commissioners head John Greer, Jail Maintenance Director discussed issues with the exterior of the facility.  He has noticed many cracks in the precast panels, issues with caulking, problems with leaks in the windows in the 911 area, and more.

Greer had Jamie Giguere the project manager from Midwest Maintenance Inc., out of Piqua, Ohio look at the issues and give him a recommendation. This inspection was at no cost to the county or jail because Midwest Maintenance did the restoration work on the courthouse. 

Giguere suggested an elastomeric coating on the precast panels due to the numerous amounts of cracks. He said the caulking should be installed to the proper depth according to the manufacturer’s recommendation, and that it wasn’t installed correctly.  There were recommendations to concrete patch a handful of areas, place metal panels on the exterior of all windows above the 911 office leak, paint all doors due to signs of rust, and seal all penetrations through the wall.

Greer told the commissioners he wasn’t comfortable writing the specifications for the work that needs to be completed and didn’t feel qualified to oversee the repairs.

The commissioners asked County Attorney Jim Clevenger to write a Request for Proposals seeking a company to inspect the issues at the jail and create a scope of work, review the proposals, and prepare for bidding on the work.  They will also seek a professional to oversee the building improvements. 

Greer also presented two quotes to replace the final three rooftop heating and AC units at the jail and sheriff’s department.  Ideal Construction was the low bidder at $239,884. The units that will be replaced are over the laundry area, the guard tower overseeing the pods, and one of the recreation rooms which currently has 8 inmates living in it.  

The sheriff has budgeted money for the replacements in this year’s budget.  The lead time to receive the units is 16 weeks so securing them at the January meeting should allow for installation in May or early June.  The County Commissioners approved the low bid.