The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety held their second meeting of the new year on Monday evening in the Council Chambers of City Hall. 

There were several items addressed during the meeting.  The city attorney Jeff Houin opened two bids for the demolition of the two homes on Water Street that were purchased by the Water Street Townhouses developer. Houin said since public funds are being used to assist the with construction of this project the demolition bids needed to be opened in a public meeting although the developer will make the decision of who he wants to work with and will pay for all demolition costs. Langfeldt Excavating of Plymouth offered a bid of $38,460 while Thomas Excavating and Welding from Culver presented a bid of $42,730.  The Board of Works did not have to make any decisions on the bond opening.

The second issue was to appoint a member of the Board of Public Works and Safety to the Plymouth Plan Commissioner.  This position has been filled by Don Ecker, but he asked to be replaced and the recommendation from Mayor Listenberger was Councilwoman Shiloh Milner.   The Board unanimously approved Milner to be their representative on the Plan Commission.

Fire Chief Steve Holm told the board he has money in his Capital Improvement Budget this year to purchase air-packs, 5 radios, pagers, and a cot-load for the new ambulance.  The chief said with the new fire engine coming in later this year he wants to purchase battery-operated extrication equipment instead of the hydraulic equipment they have typically used.  Holm said the townships purchased the battery-operated equipment and that it works very well and reduces trip hazards on emergency calls.  Holm said he is going to forgo the air-packs and purchase 2 or 3 radios instead of 5 to cover the costs for the battery-operated extrication equipment.   

There was no action needed by the Board of Public Works and Safety, the Fire Chief was just informing board members of his plans.