Members of the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety heard City Attorney Jeff Houin open and read the bids for the Commerce Street project during their Monday night meeting.  The project is a Redevelopment Commission project, but bids must be opened during a public meeting. 

Three companies offered bids for the project.  E&B Paving from Rochester submitted a bid of $1,715,815.87. Milestone Contractors North out of South Bend offered a bid of $1,305,356.80, while Rieth-Riley Construction from South Bend presented a bid of $1,120,386.61.

The project is in three different areas.  The first section will reconstruct Commerce Street from Pioneer Drive westerly.  The road services Pretzels Inc., Plymouth Molding Group (PMG), and Harrington Noodles. 

The second project is a repaving of the Gary Drive horseshoe, and the third project is on Pioneer Drive from the north side of Gary Drive to the INDOT right-of-way at U.S. 30.  This part will replace the badly damaged section of Pioneer Drive in front of the Loves Truck Stop. 

The opened bids will be presented to members of the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission during their meeting on Tuesday, January 16th at 5:30.  They will be reviewed and awarded a contractor for the paying project.

This project is being funded using TIF funds.