Now that the weather and snow make it feel more like Christmas now than on Christmas Day, you may be wondering what to do with the Christmas tree creating a new green rug in your living room. If you live in Culver, you can put the tree at the curb and the Street Department will pick it up. Culver Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim asks citizens to please make sure it is free from any decorations, lights, ornaments, or a tree stand.

The clerk also wants to remind residents that they can help the town’s snow removal crews during the season. She said, “It is a great help to our snow removal crews when vehicles, as much as possible, are moved off town streets in advance of snow accumulations. This allows for easier snow removal and clearer streets.”  

During a snow event, main roads will be cleared first, followed by side streets and finally, alleys. When shoveling or snow-blowing sidewalks and driveways in Culver, please don’t place that snow into the street.