In preparation for the May 7 Republican Primary, former County Councilman and current member of the Culver Town Council, Bill Githens, has decided to file for a Marshall County Council At Large Seat on January 10.

He was previously on the Marshall County Council, District 2, from 2015 to 2018 and on the ballot in 2020 with Tim Harman, Jesse Bohannon, and Will Patterson when they opposed the $40 million plus jail expansion.  As a County Councilman, from 2015 to 2018, he was part of the group that opposed a County Wide Wheel Tax, and the windmill energy initiative that wanted to sell wind energy to out-of-state companies.  Defeating those two initiatives protected the citizens of Marshall County from increasing their taxes, and the unsightly appearance of windmills from dotting our farmland as it does in other parts of Indiana.  Since 2016, Bill has supported the Stan Klotz’s Road Plan.  He currently supports the anti-solar movement as it applies to the large industrial solar fields on our agricultural lands and the large industrial battery packs associated with them.  Those industrial solar fields and battery packs are being proposed by companies headquartered outside Marshall County and are being touted by some local elected officials who have already signed leases with those entities.  As a three-term elected member and past President of the Culver Town Council, he voted to place a 2-year moratorium on industrial solar within the town limits as well as the 2-mile surrounding area while further studies determine the effects they will have on our citizens.

In addition to serving as a Conservative Voice on the County and Town Councils, he has previously served as a member of the Culver-Union Township Advisory Board, Treasurer of the Culver Youth Club, formerly the Boys and Girls Club of Culver, President of the Culver-Union Township Public Library, and currently serves as Treasurer of the Heartfire Church in Culver.  He looks forward to meeting and discussing with the citizens of Marshall County those issues that are important to them over the next four months.