The Marshall County Council conducted a very brief year-end meeting on Thursday afternoon.  There was only one item on the agenda. 

Council members heard the request from Commissioner Stan Klotz to transfer $58,309.71 from utilities line item in the commissioner’s budget to the group health insurance line. 

Klotz told the council the need for the additional funding was “sprung” on them just a couple of days ago and was told it had to be completed before the end of the year.

The additional will give the commissioners the $83,000 needed to pay for stop-gap insurance through Pareto Health, a stop loss insurance carrier.  Klotz said the $83,000 puts the county’s equity into the plan.  This gives the county part ownership in the group and gives them the potential to receive dividends.  He also said, “In a couple years, if we don’t use the funds, we can get them back.”  Klotz went on to say that this insurance fund protects and guarantees the county’s self-funded insurance plan.

County Council President Jesse Bohannon asked if the council should reduce the line item in next year’s budget since they are paying for the stop-gap insurance out of this year’s budget.

Commissioner Klotz said the county will need to pay the $85,000 for the next two years so the funds in the 2024 budget are still needed. 

The County Council was supportive of the request to transfer the $58,309.71 from the utilities line item into the group health insurance line item.   The County Commissioners will consider the request at their meeting today.