You can give the gift of life this holiday season by donating blood with the Mayor of Plymouth this weekend.

The South Bend Medical Foundation will host an onsite blood drive this Saturday, December 30th at the Plymouth Fire Station, 111 North Center Street.   Their mobile lab will be in town from 8 a.m. until noon accepting the precious gift of blood donations. 

When you donate blood, you are saving the lives of friends, family, and members of your community. Every 2 seconds someone in the United States needs blood, and with your donation, you can save upwards to three individual lives. Since blood cannot be manufactured, blood donations are necessary to ensure that healthcare systems have adequate supply for those in need.

By donating blood, you are protecting the community supply and helping save the life of someone in our community.  One pint of blood can save three lives.

If you want to donate, walk-ins are welcome, or you can set up an appointment online at, you can also call the mayor’s office at 574-936-6717 to set your appointment.  December blood donors will receive a Meijer gift card.