Jack Garner, Marshall County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Director presented his quarterly report to the County Commissioners last week.

Garner told them he completed the FEMA Professional Development Courses in 5-months. When hired, the commissioners gave him one year to complete the required training.   

Garner also attended the week-long Emergency Management Conference in Indianapolis which included workshops, learning sessions, FEMA classes and networking. 

Garner told that commissioners that Marshall County was able to pass the 2023 County Readiness Assessment and the Multi-Hazardous Mitigation Plan was approved.  This plan makes the county eligible for other grant opportunities over the next 5-years. 

Garner was a guest on WTCA’s “What’s Your Opinion” show on November 15 and will provide information on a regular basis to keep citizens of the county safe in all situations that may arise.