In preparation for the May 2024 Republican Primary, Marshall County Councilman Tim Harman has filed paperwork at the County Clerk’s office forming an exploratory campaign committee for County Council.

Harman, a former state representative and the current vice-president of the County Council, will be seeking a second term.

“In 2020, I ran for the County Council in order to stop a wasteful $40 million+ jail expansion. If built, we would have higher taxes and more than 400 empty beds. We stopped both. I ran to improve our county roads and we have made significant progress. And I ran to promote our conservative principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and to be a representative of the people.

Last year, the people elected a new conservative majority on the County Council, and we have made considerable improvements. We began by moving our regular meetings to the evening to better accommodate the public. We turned back costly, speculative programs such as Blue Zones and backed the Blue we know, our law enforcement, with a substantial pay increase and a significant upgrade to our 911/central dispatch facility. We set aside $500,000 in sewer relief for those unable to afford rural sewers and funded record improvements in our county road system.  And we passed a responsible budget that initially presented us with a $530,000 deficit and turned it into a $1 million surplus. All of this was accomplished without raising taxes or cutting essential services.

Going forward into 2024, the county will likely decide the fate of industrial solar on our agricultural lands. The conservative Council is working for the people, not for special interests. We passed a unanimous resolution urging the Commissioners to place a 2-year moratorium on industrial solar in agricultural lands and any future tax abatements are likely dead on arrival. Industrial solar is a development we must closely monitor and the elections for both Council and Commissioners will have significant impact on its outcome.

Given this, there is more work to be done and I believe it is imperative we stay on this solid path of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and putting the people first. Therefore, I will be seeking a second term on the County Council in the May 2024 Republican Primary.”