This week members of the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety were given an explanation for the barricades that were recently installed in the city parking lot at the corner of LaPorte and Center Streets.

Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt told the board a sinkhole appears to be developing close to the curb.  His crew found a spot that had sunk some and he thinks when one of the buildings in the area was demolished, they just dropped it into the foundation.  Over time some of that material has rotted away causing the low spot. This is an issue the Plymouth Street Department has seen in this parking lot before. 

While the Street Department employees have looked at the issue, Marquardt said now is not the time of year to begin an exploration project.  The city has barricaded some of the parking lot areas off to keep vehicles from sliding into the curb.

In the spring the Street Department will investigate the situation and may need to hire a company to remove the foundation.  Marquardt said once his crew explores the issue further a decision will be made on restoring the parking area. 

In the meantime, the barricades will keep people safe.