County High Superintendent Jason Peters presented a request from Brightspeed to bore in the county’s right-of-way at 5C and Olive the provide service to a customer.  He presented three requests from NIPSCO for work in the county’s right-of-way to replace poles to improve system reliability. The locations are all in German Township, Beech and 5B, 6th and 3rd Roads and 3B, Third Road, and Elm Road.  The commissioners approved all requests.

Peters also gave an update on Bridges in various stages of progress. The letting date for Bridge #1 on Ule Trail is November 2024.  Right-of-way acquisition services are beginning.  Bridge #87 on 11th Road and Bridge #120 on Upas Road are open and the walk-thru was completed last Friday.  There are a few minor details to complete.  The engineers are working on stage 3 plans for the Randolph Street Bridge in Plymouth.

Superintendent Peters the commissioners with a contract agreement with INDOT for Bridge #11 on Union Road.   The agreement is with INDOT for construction.   They will pay the full construction cost of $1,022,835.43.

The highway superintendent told the commissioners his crew has been working on patching up roads for winter, cutting brush and trees, grading, and adding gravel for winter.  They are also hauling in stone for the 2024 season.

Peters will present the 2024 Road Program during the next commissioners meeting on December 18th.

Before leaving the county meeting, Commissioner Kevin Overmyer recognized Jason Peters for being elected as the Northwest Director of the Indiana Association of County Highway Engineers and Supervisors.