A Plymouth High School student who will be a first-generation college student recently earned a full-ride scholarship to the prestigious University of Notre Dame through QuestBridge.

Jessica Haro comes from a Mexican background, growing up in a family of five with her parents and two sisters.

She discovered the QuestBridge scholarship during Junior Audits. She applied with hope, but never imagined she would be selected. With Notre Dame as her dream school since the 5th grade after visiting on a field trip, Jessica’s journey through the College Prep Scholars and National College Match programs culminated in her being selected as a finalist, standing out academically despite facing financial constraints.

Winning the scholarship has not only transformed Jessica’s academic journey but has also provided her with the opportunity to pursue higher education, breaking barriers as a first-generation college student. Her achievement is particularly poignant given the financial challenges her family has faced, including her sister’s inability to afford college due to DACA status, and the fact that her parents did not complete high school.

Jessica’s achievements extend beyond the academic realm. As an accomplished first violinist and section leader in the orchestra, an elected member of the student council, and active participant in clubs such as Seed Club, Interact, National Honor Society, and Future Teachers of America, although she isn’t pursuing teaching, but loves honoring her teachers, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and dedication.

Despite juggling her academic and extracurricular commitments, Jessica also works part-time at our local Kroger.

Jessica aspires to pursue a degree in Computer Science and Engineering, with the possibility of furthering her education even more after college. She loves to learn.

Through her journey, Jessica has a powerful message for her peers and others who may be inspired by her story, offering insights into determination, resilience, and the pursuit of dreams against all odds. When asked if she ever sleeps…she said sometimes.

Article provided by Lauren LaFaive, Director of Communications and Marketing for the PCSC.