The Plymouth Plan Commission meets tonight at 7 in the second-floor meeting room of City Hall.

There are two items on the agenda.  The first is a public hearing to certify the approval of the Plymouth Forward 2040 Comprehensive Plan.  Representatives from the Michiana Area Council of Governments, MACOG, and the Steering Committee will give a presentation of the draft plan.  Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity for public comments. 

The full draft plan can be viewed online at or it can be examined in person at the front desk of the City Building and the Plymouth Public Library. 

If the Plymouth Plan Commission approves the draft of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan then it will go to the Plymouth City Council for consideration of adoption at their meeting next Monday.

The second item on the Plymouth Plan Commissioner’s agenda is the consideration of a resolution amending the Declaratory Resolution and plan approved and adopted by the city’s Redevelopment Commission to modify TIF District # 2, the East Jefferson Street and Downtown District and create TIF District #8 on Water Street.

The Plymouth Plan Commission meeting is open to the public and will be streamed live on the city’s website. 

Those attending should enter through the Garro Street door and move to the second floor for the meeting.