Last week members of the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety approved two requests. 

Sue Irwin from the Marshall County Historical Society requested to block off a couple of parking spaces on the south side of Garro Street, next to the museum on Wednesday, December 27th for a Kids Day event.  The Plymouth Fire Department will be bringing the Safe House down for the kids to experience. 

The event is from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. and children will learn about fire safety as it relates to the new exhibit, Marshall County on Fire. 

Participants will have fun in the train room, meet a firefighter, enjoy a craft, learn fire safety, hear a story, and participate in games with prizes.

The Board of Public Works and Safety approved the request to block off the parking spaces. 

The second request was from Karen and Mike Olszewski at 10240 Muckshaw Road.  Their property is adjacent to the southwest corner of the Oakhill Cemetery and their request was again to request assistance from the city with run-off from the cemetery onto their driveway. 

In 2022 the Olszewskis complained to the Board of Public Works and Safety and a swale was installed to force rainwater runoff to follow the swale down to the road instead of onto their property.  The swale worked but when there is heavy rain, the rainwater that falls on the hill is being eroded into their driveway.

The hill, which is on city property, doesn’t have any grown cover or grass growing on it and the rain washes the dirt into the driveway.

Cemetery Superintendent Mike Collins has tried to assist with the problem and Utility Superintendent Donny Davidson has looked at it.  The suggestion is to put new topsoil on the hill and reseed the hill with grass and straw mats to secure it in place until the roots are secured to help stabilize the soil.

With the current weather conditions, the project can’t be completed until spring.  The city has agreed to work on stabilizing the soil on the hill next spring.