The ProPEL US 30 west study area extends from S.R. 49 in Porter County to West County Road 700 North in Fulton County and Beech Road in Marshall County.

INDOT has been having studies conducted to gather relevant information from each community hoping to find solutions tailored to the needs of the specific areas involved. Feedback from residents, motorists, businesses, and others is vital to the success of the studies.

ProPEL US 30 will be seeking input through an in-person meeting this Saturday at the Argos Public Library.   

About a month ago ProPEL US 30 released the Universe of Alternatives Report which contains about 55 improvement concepts that could be implemented into the route.  Now that people have had time to look at the report, the team will meet with community members this Saturday seeking input.   

ProPEL team members will be at the Argos Public Library from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. to give businesses and residents of Marshall County a chance to give comments in person or ask questions.   The 103-page document can be accessed here. The document is also available for review at the Argos Public Library in Marshall County.

Public comments on the Universe of Alternatives will be accepted until December 22, 2023.