Plymouth City Councilman Greg Compton asked the Plymouth Building Commissioners to look at the property located at the northwest corner of East Washington and Water Street during Monday’s Common Council meeting.

Compton said the plate-glass windows on the east side of the building.  He said one of the windows has a large hold in it at the bottom with the rest of the glass hanging from the top.  Compton said, “There’s a lot of dangerous things around that building.”  He said the hole is big enough that two people could crawl through it.  Compton went on to say the bottom half of the window is missing and that’s what causing his concern. 

Mayor Mark Senter said he noticed that the grass hadn’t been mowed at that property either. 

Compton said two big barrels were sitting outside right along the wall and he didn’t know what they were for.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi explained some of the situation.  He said he has been in contact with the company that owns the property, V&V Rentals.  The owners are Jim Vinall and Brian VanDyne, two downtown business owners.  They purchased the property in September 2019 according to the Marshall County GIS.

(The window was covered with plywood on Thursday afternoon when WTCA took the picture.)

Surrisi said the barrels are associated with some environmental testing that was done as part of the MACOG Brownfield Grant that the city is participating in.  The city attorney said the owners are aware and that the barrels will be picked up sometime soon.

The property had previously been owned by McCord Heat Transfer and Indiana Heat Transfer Corp. which made radiators in the building. 

(This window in on the south side of the building)