The flood control project for Garro and Plum Streets has moved from the drawing table to the decision-making phase.

During Monday’s Board of Public Works and Safety meeting, Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson told members that Troyer Group has created conceptual drawings for a retention plan and a detention plan.   

Davidson asked the Board of Works members if they wanted Troyer Group to present the drawings to them in a meeting or if they wanted to review them at their discretion.

The detention plan is a dry bottom that would be mowed with sidewalls that would have less of a slope so the mower could be used.  The retention plan is more of a wetland area with a 5 to 1 slope that would require a fence around it. 

Davidson said his preference would be to fence in either project.  He also told them the utility department would maintain the vegetation and do the mowing. Donnie said the city has 12 other detention areas around the city that they maintain. 

The presentation from the Troyer Group does include drawings and cost estimates.

Board member Jeff Houin suggested sending the presentation to members for review and then if they have questions a meeting with Troyer Group can be set up in the future.    

For this project, the city has purchased the old Eagles Lodge on West LaPorte Street.  They will be demolishing the building and then creating the detention or retention pond on the ground which extends over to Garro Street.